In this episode, we dive into lawyers and their value propositions. Law firms are businesses that offer legal services to clients, but what sets one firm apart from another? How do clients measure the value they receive from a law firm?
Category: Podcast
Why Sales is an Act of Service with Holly Barocio
Sales doesn’t have to be a four-letter word, but it often can feel that way in the legal profession. We explor how it can instead be seen as an act of service. We discuss what successful business development actually looks like and why the unfair standard we often measure ourselves against is putting us at a disadvantage.
Why Sleeping on TikTok is Costing You Money
When I talk to lawyers about how to optimize their law firm for growth and enjoyment, the first follow-up question I am usually asked is, “But how do I get clients?” This is essentially asking “How do I market and sell my services?” which is a wide and deep topic to explore. We’ll break down this massive topic into digestible parts, starting with today’s topic: TikTok.
The Power of Positive Connection with Martha Knudson
Today we’re talking about something you don’t hear about enough in the legal profession: personal connection. Specifically positive personal connection. The bond that’s created when we reach out and honestly share our experience with another person who compassionately listens and empathizes. I know, you might already be feeling a bit uncomfortable, but that’s why this conversation is so important.
Six Mistakes You Might be Making in Your Engagement Agreements and How to Fix Them
A good Engagement Agreement is the bedrock of a positive client relationship. In this episode, we cover six common mistakes made in engagement agreements and how to fix them – including the *EXACT* language I use in my templates.
Five Ways to Loosen the Grip of Perfectionism
Today we’re diving into something many of us as lawyers struggle with: perfectionism. I recognize how perfectionism has served me well, but it’s also caused a tremendous amount of stress. In this episode, I share five ways I’ve loosened perfectionism’s grip.
Why the Access to Justice Gap is More than a Pro Bono Issue with Justice Melissa Hart
Join my conversation today with Justice Melissa Hart of the Colorado Supreme Court. We talk about bridging the justice gap, the role that law schools play in solving it, and why lawyers providing affordable, accessible legal services through their for-profit firms should be considered public interest work.
Three Ways to Handle Variables with Flat-Fee Pricing
The question I am asked most often about providing predictable, flat-fee pricing in my law firm is “How do you deal with the variables?” In this episode, we’ll cover three ways to handle variables with flat-fee pricing that ensures you are paid for the work you do – whatever may come up.
The Importance of Being Authentic with Ryann Peyton
Ryann Peyton is the Director of the Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program (CAMP) and Legal Entrepreneurs for Justice (LEJ), which are both lawyer professional development programs of the Colorado Supreme Court. Ryann is an “accidental lawyer”. We’re talking about the importance of authenticity and integrity in the profession.
Five Things I Wish I Learned in Law School
Oftentimes, law school gives us our first real taste of the law. As much as I enjoyed law school, leaving the confines of the classroom and stepping out into the real world left me feeling a bit unprepared. In this episode, I reveal the five lessons I wish I learned in law school.
The Story So Far
In 2015, I attended a committee meeting. Little did I know, it would start the journey to this podcast. In the inaugural episode, I’m discussing the journey that got me here and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.