Author: Lauren


Why Sleeping on TikTok is Costing You Money

When I talk to lawyers about how to optimize their law firm for growth and enjoyment, the first follow-up question I am usually asked is, “But how do I get clients?” This is essentially asking “How do I market and sell my services?” which is a wide and deep topic to explore. We’ll break down this massive topic into digestible parts, starting with today’s topic: TikTok.


10 Things to Consider Before Starting Your Own Law Firm

Starting your own law firm can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. It gives you ultimate freedom while making you ultimately responsible. While many will say it’s the best decision they made, running your own practice isn’t for everyone.

If you’re thinking about hanging your own shingle, here are ten questions you’ll want to answer to help decide if it’s the right choice for you.


The Power of Positive Connection with Martha Knudson

Today we’re talking about something you don’t hear about enough in the legal profession: personal connection. Specifically positive personal connection. The bond that’s created when we reach out and honestly share our experience with another person who compassionately listens and empathizes. I know, you might already be feeling a bit uncomfortable, but that’s why this conversation is so important.