Private Coaching (6 months)


Optimize your law firm in just six months with this exclusive one-on-one business coaching program is specifically designed for law firm owners who want to improve their firm’s mission, marketing, and profitability for long-term success.



Optimize Your Law Firm in Just Six Months with My Exclusive Coaching Program

After nearly a decade of building my successful law firm, I’m sharing my proven strategies to help you optimize and grow your practice in just six months! This exclusive one-on-one business coaching program is specifically designed for law firm owners who want to improve their firm’s mission, marketing, and profitability for long-term success.

You can choose from two personalized program options, depending on what areas of your business you want to focus on and improve:

Option 1: Effective Marketing and Profitable Services

  • Create a mission statement designed for success
  • Develop a strategic marketing plan that will attract your ideal clients
  • Profitably price your services based on value

Option 2: Streamlined Sales and Efficient Processes

  • Setup an optimized sales funnel to encourage conversions
  • Streamline your systems and procedures to increase efficiency and productivity
  • Implement a fool-proof system for managing the firm’s finances

Here’s what you can expect regardless of which option you choose:

Personalized Attention: You’ll meet with me twice a month, allowing me to deeply understand the unique challenges and goals you have for your business related to either mission, marketing, and profitability or sales, efficiency, and finance. Together, we’ll work through each area to optimize it.

Tailored Strategies: Leveraging my vast expertise, I’ll develop customized strategies and actionable steps to address your specific pain points. I’ll help you make impactful changes where you need it most.

Accountability and Support: I’ll be a trusted partner, providing guidance, resources, and unwavering support to ensure you stay on track and achieve your objectives. I’ll celebrate your wins and help you overcome any obstacles along the way.

Measurable Results: You’ll see tangible improvements in three business areas through regular check-ins and performance tracking. My goal is to help you optimize your law firm for maximum profitability and efficiency.

This coaching program is an investment in your law firm’s long-term success. By tapping into my knowledge and experience, you’ll gain the tools and strategies to advance your practice.

I spent years learning how to run my law firm profitably and efficiently through trial and error. Now, you can use my experience to transform your firm into the firm of your dreams. My individualized business coaching will give you the clarity, strategies, tools, and support you need to reach your goals.

If you’re ready to get focused and strategic and get the results you’ve always wanted from your firm, sign up for coaching today!

Spots in this exclusive program are limited.

Payment Options

$4,200 one-time fee
$750/mo for six months

>> Schedule a free discovery call today and sign up!