Another year; another pile of books complete. It was my goal to read twenty-five books last year. I just squeaked it in, finishing my twenty-fifth book on December 31. While I typically set a goal, it doesn’t really matter. I simply read because it brings me joy. I love to learn and gain new perspectives, especially around business and well-being. Reading is one of the best ways I’ve found to do that.
As you’ll see, I stick to non-fiction. I’m sure there is much to learn from fiction too, but it doesn’t scratch the itch I have of uncovering information to use in my growth journey. If you’re looking for some great non-fiction books to dive into, here are the best ones I read in 2022:

Good Inside – This book fundamentally changed my approach to parenting, which was incredible, empowering, and freeing. I have little kids, but I can see the benefit of Dr. Becky’s tools for children of any age. She goes through the psychology and developmental process of how our brains work as we grow, which is helpful to understand when you’re raising little humans. She then takes that foundation and provides practical tools for parents to connect with their kids. If it stopped there, I still would have said it was one of the best books I’ve read. But beyond the application to my own kids, this book gave me unexpected insights about myself and why I am the way I am. It helped me learn to “re-parent” myself. I really can’t recommend it enough whether you are actively raising kids, enjoying them as adults, or want to understand and heal your inner child. Buy Good Inside today.

The Mountain Is You – This book kicked my butt. I don’t know if it came across my path at the time I needed it or if it just spoke truth to what I was going through, but holy cow, I had too many ‘aha’ moments to count. There were a few times I had to put it down and just process the words on the page. With the subtitle of “Turning self-sabotage into self-mastery”, author Brianna West focuses on extracting insight from our most damaging habits, building emotional intelligence, releasing the trauma stored in our bodies, and rising to our highest potential. It’s not an easy read because of what it can turn up, but if you’re willing to do the hard work, it can be life-changing. Buy The Mountain Is You today.

The Gap and the Gain – Someone recommended this book on a business podcast, and it did not disappoint. For all of us high achievers, The Gap and the Gain shifts our perspective from feeling like we can never reach the ever-elusive end goal (there’s always something more to achieve) to instead focusing on how far we’ve come. If you’ve ever struggled with not being able to celebrate wins, felt exhausted from constantly chasing something, or are just tired of the never-ending hamster wheel of “success”, this is a great book to pick up. Buy The Gap and the Gain today.

Set Boundaries, Find Peace – A recommendation from my therapist, this is a small but mighty book. If like me, you’ve struggled with setting boundaries, Nedra Glover Tawwab breaks it down in a way that’s understandable and practical. Her approach is rooted in the latest research and best practices of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps us identify and express our needs clearly and – here’s the key – without apology. If you want to unravel the root problem behind codependency, power struggles, anxiety, depression, and burnout, this is a great book to check out. Buy Set Boundaries, Find Peace today.

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man – I read this book early in the year and still think about it. Author Emmanuel Acho starts the uncomfortable conversations we need to have to begin to fix the systemic racism in this county. As he writes, “You cannot fix a problem you do not know you have.” It’s an easy read that packs a powerful punch. I cannot recommend it enough. Buy Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man today.

The Body Keeps the Score – One of the most transformative books I’ve read, The Body Keeps the Score unpacks the science behind how trauma literally reshapes the body and brain and how the body stores it until it is released. If you’ve experienced trauma or work with clients who suffer from traumatic experiences, this book will give you a deeper understanding of what trauma truly is, how it affects the body on a cellular level, and how to begin to heal. Buy The Body Keeps the Score today.

The E-Myth – The first chapter of this book articulated and confirmed the beliefs I cultivated over the years about lawyers developing law firms. Most law firm owners are more like technicians, working in their business. They have not fully embraced the entrepreneurial mindset to continually work on their business. But fear not! Michael Gerber shares many helpful tips on how to make that transition so that your business will benefit. Buy The E-Myth today.
There you have it. Our top books from 2022. Looking back over last year and seeing all the books that resonated with me in one place, a theme emerges: healing. That was not my expectation going into the year, but I leaned into what I needed, and I’m so glad I did. If you’re looking for something similar, I hope this list of recommendations helps. For more book and podcast recommendations, check out our Book Club section.